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Predict Next Purchase

  • As customers use your product, they leave behind a trail of behaviors that indicate how they will act in the future.
  • This application can identify the predictive patterns in granular customer behavioral data
  • Improve the customer’s experience by recommending relevant products.
  • Generate additional revenue for your business by putting the right products in front of your customers.
GET APP Feature Labs makes it easy to connect to your data and deploy

How it Works

This application is ready to be deployed to provide value right away.

To get started, you just need to map your data to the required inputs. From there, Feature Labs’ data science automation will take care of the rest. The application will automatically

  • Extract historical examples to learn from
  • Identify predictive signal using Deep Feature Synthesis
  • Select and optimize a machine learning model for deployment

This application is not a black box. After the initial integration is made, it is simple for a developer to add additional data sources, tweaking the prediction problem, and deeply inspect how each step in the process works.

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